Automotive air conditioning is used to cool the interior of a car, as well as provide additional airflow to increase acceleration and fuel efficiency. The components that comprise an automotive air conditioning system are an air conditioner, compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and air ducts. Automotive air conditioning systems also use a refrigerant to cool the inside of a car. In fact, most automobile air conditioning units have separate refrigeration and cooling areas, which are connected by an evaporator. Visit here for more useful website.
Are You Making These Automotive Air Conditioning Mistakes?
Most automotive air conditioning systems operate on a positive displacement. This means that the expansion and the contraction of the refrigerant gas do not result in refrigerant gas bubbles and leaks. Positive displacement means that the cooled gas flows into the expansion tank or condenser very quickly, and then it condenses again. The process is repeated over again until the refrigerant levels return to normal. If one of the components, such as the expansion valve, malfunctions, the entire air conditioning system can be damaged, resulting in the failure of the entire system.
There are some automotive air conditioning components that are sensitive to high pressure, such as expansion valves. High pressure can damage some of the main components, such as the compressor and the condenser. These components release their refrigerant gas in large quantities, in order to cool down the parts. When these components are damaged by high pressure, the system cannot work properly.