avaulta vaginal mesh complications

Avaulta vaginal mesh complications can occur after surgery and may require repeated procedures. The surgical procedure is often an outpatient procedure. While the risks are low, women who have complications may require revision surgery. Patients with these complications should be evaluated by their doctor. Although it is not a cure-all, avaulta mesh surgery has helped to reduce the amount of complications associated with vaginal mesh surgery.

How to Know About Avaulta Vaginal Mesh Complications

The Bard Avaulta vaginal mesh is a transvaginal mesh product used to treat stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Although it has become popular for addressing these conditions, women should be aware of the risks and complications associated with it. For instance, women may experience infections, pain, and erosion of the mesh. In severe cases, these complications can lead to deformities and even bowel or blood vessel perforations.

Avaulta vaginal mesh complications have prompted women to file lawsuits against the manufacturers of the device. These lawsuits allege that the manufacturer failed to warn women of the risk of complications. The FDA issued a warning in 2008 and Bard removed the device from the market in 2012. In 2012, a jury in California awarded a woman $5.5 million for her complications after the implant was inserted. She had to undergo three surgeries before her complications could be resolved.

Another potential complication is erosion, which occurs in approximately two percent to three percent of patients. As a result, the mesh may have to be removed. This complication can result in infection, perforation of the bowel or bladder, and severe pain. It may also cause a recurrence of the condition. The FDA warns physicians to avoid using transvaginal mesh until it is proven safe and effective.

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