If you’re a bail agency owner, you’ve probably considered implementing bail software. But the truth is that it can be a complex task. The number of documents, forms, and court dates can quickly add up to a massive amount of paperwork. While many bail software solutions can make these tasks easier, there are still a few things that you should consider before making the purchase. Using KW Bail Bond Software may be the right choice for your business.
How To Deal With A Transfer Bail Bond?
Unlike spreadsheets, bail bond software comes with built-in financial tools. Including write-off tools helps you record missing defendants. It also has a list of defendant contacts and court status so that you can track their payments and make necessary corrections. Plus, if you’re a newbie, KW’s bail bond software also includes a ‘Do Not Bond’ list. The iGUARANTEE(tm) bail bonds software has the features and benefits of a traditional bail bond system.
Other features of KW Bail Bond Software include a defendant background check and account-based dashboards. Mobile-friendly software makes it easy to access information and data on the go. It allows you to share applications between agents, simplifying work flow, and providing full visibility. Whether you’re on the go or in your office, mobile software makes life easier for you and your clients. When you use KW Bail Bond Software, you’ll feel more efficient.