What Are Private Investigators?

Private investigators are people who help private and government organizations collect and analyze facts in order to solve a crime or other legal matter. They may be working for a law firm, an attorney, a corporation, or a private citizen.

Do private investigators have the same rights as police?

Private investigators are trained to use different investigative techniques. Some of the methods they can use include surveillance, computer research, background checks, interviews, and stakeouts. The techniques they use depend on the situation.

Surveillance is when a private investigator follows a person, sometimes in a car, and records their movements. This can be very time-consuming and difficult to do. It is also illegal in some jurisdictions.

Private investigators can gather information on phone numbers, addresses, and aliases. They can access government databases as well as online social networks. However, if they are going to obtain this information, they need to obtain permission.

In some cases, private investigators can also access credit bureau reports, and other financial information. However, obtaining this information without the subject’s permission is a violation of federal and state law.

Aside from collecting information, private investigators can also work for attorneys, insurance companies, and corporations. These companies can hire investigators to assist them with a variety of legal matters, including personal injury, workers’ compensation, and criminal cases.

Some of the more affluent investigation agencies have sophisticated surveillance vans. Whether they work for a company or a private client, investigators need to stay within the rules and regulations of their state or province.


Stillinger Investigations, Inc.
170 Meeting St, Charleston, SC 29401, United States
Phone: +18432121338