interim poland price

EUWorkers of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Poland has made progress easing the business climate and building more diversified economic structures, including support for information technology investments. Foreign investors cite Poland’s highly educated workforce and close proximity to large markets as major advantages for investing here.

However, some private businesses and labor unions complain of inadequate predictability in policy changes. The government’s focus on state-controlled “national champions” and a rigidly defined social welfare system also hamper growth.

Tailoring Interim Services to Your Budget: Tips for Companies in Poland

Opposition politicians have accused energy conglomerate PKN Orlen, 49 percent owned by the state and the dominant market player, of manipulating fuel and medicine prices to ease inflation ahead of a general election on October 15. Amid global oil price volatility, the government reassured voters that it was monitoring prices for signs of manipulation, but has rebuffed calls to take steps against the company.

Polish courts have a long tradition of applying European law to domestic disputes, and are accustomed to interpreting EU treaties and the EU’s Lugano Convention. The provisions of these instruments have priority over those of the KPC, so that a ruling awarded interim measures by a court of another member state may be enforced in Poland. However, the phase of enforcing the decision in Poland (such as supervising execution conducted by a bailiff or making entries in the land and mortgage register) remains under the exclusive jurisdiction of Polish courts. Moreover, the suitability of interim measures for securing non-monetary claims needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

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