No matter what your interest is, there are plenty of great ways to enjoy your stay at the Adler Planetarium and enjoy the best things to do in Galena. You’ll want to check out all the Galena hotels and other lodging before you leave. Make sure you find a good review site and make plans to visit this historical area of Illinois.
Best Things to Do Galena
The Adler Planetarium is another must see. It is operated by the Conservation Science Institute. It houses more than two thousand tropical fish and more than two hundred earthworms. This planetarium has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places. More than one hundred people have personally visited the planetarium, including many prominent scientists.
If you love nature and history, then the best things to do in Galena Illinois are the things that you won’t get anywhere else. Galena is a quaint town in southwest Illinois known for its beautiful 19th century buildings such as the 1826 Dowling House, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Italianate Ulysses S. Grant House was a gift from several local residents to the Civil War hero who later became a U.S. President. Horseshoe Mountain, near Galena, gives visitors views of three counties.