The University of Santo Tomas (UST) is a prominent Catholic religious college, located in Manila, Philippines. Established in 1611 by Spanish monk Miguel de Benavide, it is one of the two colleges recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. Among its many departments are the faculties of arts and sciences, law and medical sciences. Many notable personalities have graduated from this University, including people like Benazir Felipe, Aloysio Escalido, Ramon Magelanes, Alejandra Laurel, Josefa V. Angulo, Gloria Ferrer, Jeannie Longoria, Helen Rosario-Martinal, and Henry David Thoreau.

How to know History and Conditions for Transferability


In terms of size, UST is the largest campus expansion ever carried out by a U.S. college. The school has also expanded its student body to more than nine thousand students, with the addition of more than three hundred additional classrooms in the last decade. With the addition of new campuses in cities such as San Jose, Baguio, Laguna Beach, Los Angeles, and Orange County, UST is fast becoming one of the fastest growing Catholic universities in the country. This is particularly true for fanon enthusiasts, who have been flocking to the U.S. campus since it was established.

By virtue of the inter-campus transferability and the shared ownership of resources, most of the faculties at UST are allowed to practice their academic craft wherever they wish, even outside the Philippine Islands. This notwithstanding, however, the restrictions placed on the faculties and their right to freely practice their religion do remain, and they have to abide by these rules. Fanon scholars can be found practicing their faith in most predominantly Filipino and Chinese-owned sweatshops in the country. Despite the widespread promotion of the teachings of the Buddha and the Holy Jesus by the majority of Filipinos, the Catholic Church still endorses a form of religion, which does not tolerate non-believers, such as UST scholars. The authorities and the teachers of the said university also strongly oppose the expansion of the UST system to other non-dominant countries, especially to China, a country which has recently expressed its ambitions of expanding its territorial waters to include the disputed South China Sea. Despite the apparent hostility of the Chinese government towards the UST, however, many Filipino businessmen and others in the UST system believe that opening its doors to non-Filipino workers would help improve the economy of the nation, thereby helping the Philippines develop and become a stronger nation in the long run.

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