highquality dermal fillers

Using high-quality dermal fillers helps to smooth out wrinkles, restoring a youthful glow. They are non-surgical, safe, and healthy. They can be used to treat many different facial concerns, from lines and wrinkles to sunken cheeks.

Juvederm and Restylane are two of the most common dermal fillers. These products are made of hyaluronic acid, which helps to boost moisture in the skin and stimulate collagen production. They can also be used to add volume to lips.

A doctor will inject a small amount of dermal filler under the skin. Then, it slowly absorbs into the body. Over time, the injections will re-volumize the skin and preserve the desired results. They can last for several months to a year.

The most popular filler is Juvederm Ultra Plus XC. This product is used to treat deeper lines and nasolabial folds. It is also a great treatment for fine lines around the mouth.

Another FDA-approved filler is Restylane Refyne. This product is used to reduce marionette lines and laugh lines. It is also used to treat smoker’s lines.

Final Thoughts on When to Start Botox

If you are not sure which product is right for you, an experienced cosmetic doctor can recommend safe, effective, and natural-looking fillers. They can be used to address a wide range of concerns, from wrinkles and smile lines to lost cheek volume.

The doctor will numb the area of the face that will be treated. Then, the doctor will use a thin needle to inject the filler. This procedure is usually done in the office. It takes about an hour.

Infinity Aesthetics Swansea
Summerland Lodge, Bishops Wood Grove, Langland, Newton, Swansea SA3 4BP, United Kingdom
Phone: +441792807005

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